Saturday 28 June 2014

Having a pet

We crave for love. Each of us. Sooner or later, more or less. We go around searching for someone who for once in life can make us feel special. It's an incredible feeling, that! To mean the world to someone. And having a pet is more or less same. I have a cat. I remember last night I was having my dinner on kitchen table at 1 in the midnight and she came around rolling near my legs. She meow'ed. It's her way to ask for milk. And I hate it because I know as soon as she's full, she'll leave. But I still do it. I still feed her knowing she doesn't love me, she's just for the food. But some days, she'll stay. She'll not come to me and kiss me but she sits near me and meows. I know she's not asking for milk then but she just likes to talk. And that little time once a week or so, I really enjoy.

Maybe at that time I realize how and why human behave. We are bound to the insecurities that we hold within us. And just like we search for that someone, pets fill the void. It's difficult to explain but they are so profoundly attached sometimes, for a moment it does feel like you are the world to someone. And it's still completely different than what you feel with a similarly attached human being.

P. S. -  get a pet, you'll understand ;)

Monday 2 June 2014


It's funny how our life is connected to travelling in such an obvious, very few people actually realize the importance of it. everyday we travel to a new place and I'm not suggesting about the physical place but the fact that the place where you are at this very moment is a unique, different place because you can never travel back to that exact moment which just passed. where things can be exactly like they were. With every freaking details. That can't happen. Even though it's your office or home or some place you visit everyday but it's always different in context of time.

That's what so amazing. It's a journey. That we all have to make. We all have to travel.
Just that if we are unaware where we are headed. Yeah, it would have been simpler if we knew but I guess it takes out the energy of traveling. Because if we know about the destination, it becomes more important than journey.  And as much as I understand, it's the journey, that is the point of life.