Thursday 22 May 2014

I think I should move on while I can!

A common one liner used by us boys when the girl of our dreams, our soul-mate, the one we want to marry which is ironically every girl we like complicates a relationship which clearly is not about being just friends.
We share this situation too often, don't we? Gathered around a table with five mountain dew on it. One of us desperately fallen for a girl who is the current bitch for the rest of the group. This girl/bitch is guilty for not loving our 'Raanjhaana' back. Whatever maybe the reasons but it takes guts to love someone without them loving you back when you have no hopes of she ever changing her mind. And especially when you have not yet reached to the extreme head over heels, madly in love with her crisis and you're an experienced guy, the first thought comes to your mind is "Move on while you can. It'll be a lot of pain afterwards". Bullshit! Fuck your brain. It's not the right thing. The point, however is that nobody who has ever loved someone wants to lose his/her love. But we also love ourselves and the worst way to hurt ourselves with is by loving someone who doesn't love us back. So we are scared. Terrified by the thought of loving someone like that. And each day into such one-sided relationship, we suffer. Suffer from the idea of losing the most precious part of our selves. So every time we decide to tell her, we imply it as the best decision ever. And yeah sometimes it is! But if you are a soft-heartened guy, you're probably on the wrong train. Because for records, How good are your chances of she replying with a yes? And how often do you stick to something even after it's gone? If your records are not quite well, let her find out that you like her herself. Primarily, the idea of "I think I should move on while I can!"  is pathetic. It might seem the easy way out but no guy ever has walked away on a girl while he can. To really move on, One must fight to an extent where you either get her or your obsession for her gets dealt with. You only truly move on when you stop loving her. When your desire to get her pops like a balloon. And it only happens when you give up your everything to get this girl and still don't get her. It might sound terrifying and Tragic of course but it is not. To love with all the Passion, you need to have no regrets. And to have no regrets is to try until you have no options but to move on. So to those guys who are thinking to move on while they can, Don't do it guys. And besides you never know when a girl changes her mind. ;)

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